Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Pig Roast

Yesterday was the New Life Golf Tournament hosted by the Bay Area Rescue Mission. The Mission's Culinary crew catered the event's banquet and did a great job spit-roasting their 60 pound pig!

The BBQ Menu included Tri Tip and Pork Butt, which were served with three house made BBQ sauces.  But the jewel of the buffet was the spit roasted pig!

The spit was set up in front of one of Rossmoor's clubhouses.  All day long, a parade of cars and walkers stopped to ask our cooks about the pig. The number one question was if they could hire us for their next event! In case you are wondering, we have an excellent and creative catering service that can assist you with any size and style of event.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

A spit Roasted Pig!

On May 11th the Culinary Gang will be catering the banquet for the New Life Golf Tournament in Walnut Creek.  The Jewel of the feast will be a whole roasted.

Chris the kitchen's cook sought the advice from Culinary Graduate Joe Q on the finer points of Open Spit roasting. Unfortunately Chris did not take the advice of Joe.  He decided to smoke the pig before he cooked it!  What a waste of donated dollars!  That pig disappeared and Chris needed to find a pig on a Sunday!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

A Talented Intern

Joey graduated from the program a few months ago.  He is currently enrolled in the Culinary Program at Contra Costa College.  

A Vocational Volunteer in the Mission's Kitchen, Joey oversees the staff in preparing one of the daily meals. 

I enjoyed working with Joey.  He has a passion that will get him places in his new profession!

Joey has been offered a paid internship for the summer in an East Bay resturant.