Monday, February 23, 2015

Chef Brad from Va Di Vi

Last Wednesday, Chef Brad from Va Di Vi spent the day with the guys in the Kitchen.  He took the time to demonstrate basic knife skills then he reviewed the proper way to de-bone a Chicken.

He then led the staff in preparing a Mission Favorite, Curry Chicken.  

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Pulled Pork Sandwiches.

Pulled Pork Sanwiches!  Now I love pulled Pork, but I never order it.  Why, my wife makes the best!

When The cook said that he will be serving Pulled Pork for Friday's lunch, I started making other lunch plans.  WAS I WRONG!

The adventure in Pulled Pork started with 60 pounds of Pork Butt. Seasoned with a Secret Rub, then seared on the flattop.  Then popped into the oven for 20 hours!

Vicky, our house baker, prepared buns Thursday night to be baked In the morning.

I arrived to work at 7 and visited the kitchen to grab a cup,of coffee.  The aroma of fresh baked bread and slow roasted pork was remarkable.  The Bakers were busy taking the buns out of the oven. The Crew was busy pulling the pork roast apart, carefully mixing the juices to achieve the perfect texture. 

For the next four hours, I was distracted from my work as I anticipated lunch.  I was not disappointed! 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Philly Cheese Steak Mission Style!

Aaron and Joey are two of our new Culinary Students.  They have started the Culinary Program at Contra Costa College.  In addition to their duties at their school, they will be stagiaires in our Kitchen!

Chris our cook spent the day with these two culinary scholars as they prepared remarkable Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches. With a twist. Chris instructed his crew on how to take this common regional fast food dish and transform it into a gourmet delight!

The packaged rolls where replaced with hoggies baked in house by Vickie and our other baking students.  The 40 pounds of steak was hand sliced and carefully seasoned before it was cooked in our Tilt Grill.  40 pounds each of Bell Peppers and Onions where julianed and sautéed in olive oil.  For the cheese? None of that orange glue shot out of a can.  They used pounds of Sonoma Pepper Jack to compliment the other carefully selected ingredients. 

We like  to take common familiar dishes and turn them into gourmet  meals.  Our staff and dinners quickly recognize the item, then are amazed by what classic techniques and fresh ingredients can do!

Chef James at the Mission!

Here is a link to our YouTube page showing Chef James day at the mission!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Guest Chef

Chef Brad from Va De Vi. will be our guest chef this Wednesday.  

I will post photos!  

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Le boulanger

The Baker

Our on Joe Q has taken to baking like a pro.  Here are some of his dishes. 

Eating with your eyes

Joe Q is our plating artist at the mission! We first taste a dish is with our eyes!  

Joe is a graduate of our program who is completing his studies at the Contra Costa College Culinary Program with Certificates for Cooking, Pastry and Resturant Managemenr.   


Thursday, February 12, 2015

A New Culinary Student!

David just graduated from our program and he is now attending the Culinary program at Contra Costa College! 

The staff is preparing Rice Pilaf to go with the Salmon that they are grilling!   

The last photo is of our very valued Volunteer, Steve.  The staff enjoys Steve's weekly visits. He always has time to have a conversation with the guys.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Philly Cheese Steak

Chef Chris with the 2nd Shift!
The Kitchen is open from 3AM to 9PM serving 600 meals a day.  In addition, we often have catering jobs and fund raisers. 

To add to the work load, every Safurday the kitchen is deep cleaned.  The equipent is disassembled and cleaned.  The entire walk-in is emptied. 

We are very proud of this spotless, profession kitchen. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Knife Skills

Gayle worked on her knife skills today.  She made that 8" Chinese vegetable life flash.  

Monday, February 2, 2015

The Women in the Kitchen!

Our Kitchen is dominated by men. We are blessed with a couple of great female cooks!

Vickie is a graduate who is finishing her baking certificate.  Her breads and pies are enjoyed by our dinners. 

Gayle has recently joined our staff. A fellow Creole from New Orleans, we have had some lively discussions about the merits of my Gumbo!