Saturday, October 4, 2014

Italian Sweet and Sour Pork

Maiale in Agrodolce

Having no experience in Institutional Cooking, I recieve a weekly menu of dishes that I would not eat AND Definantly would not cook!  When I saw Sweet and Sour Pork on the menu and looked at a soulless recipe that involved sugar and corn starch I had to put my foot down.  So I did what any passionate cook would do.  I broke the rules and prepared an Italian Sweet and Sour!

On Friday, we grilled brined pork in a glaze made of Balsamic Vinegar, Honey and Butter!  

This was accompanied with a Penne Pasta with a Sausage Ragù.  The Ragù was made with locally grown Tomatoes  slowly cooked in a stock pot for 12 hours!  

At the Mission we appreciate our donations and work very hard to serve great meals.   

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