Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Sweet Pepper Coulis

The donors to the Mission are fantastic!  A local gardener donated a big box of sweet peppers.  We made a batch of Sweet Pepper Coulis.  So simple to make and so good.

1. Sweet peppers. (Red bell peppers will do.) large diced.
2. A chopped onion
3. A bit of olive oil
4. Salt and pepper
5. A cup of chicken stock.
5. A splash of wine vinegar.

Sauté the onions in olive oil.
Put the onions in a stock pot.
Add the Sweet Peppers, spices and chicken stock.
Cook for an hour.
Put everything in a blender 
Ad the wine vinegar.

That is it!  This light sauce is great on chicken or fish.  Today we used it on our Meat Loaf.

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