Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Scallops à la Grenobloise

Scallops à la Grenobloise

People may not realize that our kitchen is a training center.  A couple of Contra Costa College's Culinary School's classes are taught here.  Several of our graduates who are in Culinary School intern in our kitchen.  The rest of our crew is made up of gentlemen in our program. We teach our crews the basics of operating a kitchen and classic culinary techniques. 

The Mission takes no government money.  We rely on the generosity of  local businesses and individuals.  

Many of our donors are serous gardeners!  We love receiving the local fruit and vegetables that they produce. 

Today we got a bunch of fennel bulbs! We took the opportunity to make some fennel                       Grenobloise sauce.  Brown butter, capers, thinly sliced fennel and lemons make a remarkable sauce.  We served this over the scallops that a local fish monger donated! 

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